No matter how hard it is at the moment, move forward bravely, everything has its own best arrangement.
When you are sad, don't talk to anyone.
Give parents a guarantee, give yourself a peace of mind!
What "beaters" fear most is not poverty or tiredness, but.
I hope these crooked theories in life will benefit you a lot.
In 2021, the 20 unknowable reasons are very reasonable.
Do not overestimate any relationship, do not underestimate any kind of long-term love.
Never trust a person easily.
What you do to others, others will do to you.
No matter how you fight, you can't fight over the way of heaven.
Born as a human being, it is everyone's conscience and character to be grateful.
Those who help you do not owe you; let your people not be afraid of you! (so right.)
Although self-discipline is very hard, it will give you back a hot and free life.
The highest level of self-discipline is to love yourself.
The best feng shui for a family is harmony.
If there is discord between husband and wife, the family will be defeated!