When you are simple, life will be simple for you.
Breaking up is the highest level of self-discipline.
Let bygones be bygones. Cheers to the past.
Let go of your tiredness (well written)
Life is warm and pure, time is bound to live up to it.
Goodbye, August; Hello, September!
May you cherish your life, be responsible for yourself, and look forward to the future.
You can't rely on anyone unless you're useful.
Be silent at the right time and grasp the size of being a man.
The measure of speaking is the size of being a man.
May you enjoy not only the carnival of a group of people, but also the time of being alone.
The 38-year-old actress exploded her asexual life and became popular by "devil-like abstinence": the joy of being alone, you don't understand!
May you walk through all the rivers and mountains and be still young when you come back from the waves and the wind!
The finale of "Sister through the Wind and waves" is exposed: a woman should see through these 9 things in her life!