Your character determines the quality of your marriage!
Who are you going to marry? it was meant to be.
In the adult world, there is no one who will always have a preference.
"I don't want to reply to you on Wechat."
Would like to have time to look back, and with affectionate common white head!
Qixi Festival, this picture is crazy. After reading it, I burst into tears.
Just work hard and leave the rest to time.
Time will let you know.
There is nothing in the world to worry about.
A wise man doesn't ask questions all his life.
May we all be able to show off without quarreling and showing off, and be at ease with every frown and smile.
The best way to live the rest of your life is "do not fight"! (recommended collection)
True love is not said, but made.
Those who want to see you really love you very much.
The only shortcut in life is to measure it with the pace of self-discipline.
The person who is self-disciplined to the extreme is the most terrible.