It makes sense to spend time and feelings on the right person.
Talk to sensible people, do things with down-to-earth people, and talk to honest people.
A long marriage is inseparable from lasting love and tolerance.
Just look at these three points to know how far marriage can go!
Please don't be surprised or disgraced, please feel good about your feelings and calm your anger.
First learn not to be angry, then learn to piss people off.
When one reaches middle age, one learns to subtract.
Precipitate yourself (this article is priceless)
You deserve to meet all the good things in the world.
You will meet whoever you are.
Leave some space for each other, happiness will last forever.
The best way to make a man love you to the bone: "three no matter"
Please tell them and yourself loudly: I love you!
520, to the person I love most
If you love, love deeply, but if you don't love, go away.
Between people, it's just an exchange of hearts for hearts.
If you don't get hurt, the years will be safe.
The best way to deal with things (benefit a lot)