Love is a two-way trip, not a person's effort.
It is not betrayal or quarrel that makes the relationship die.
Live better and live better in the one-way street of life.
I can't start all over again in this life.
There is nothing in the world to worry about.
There is a kind of tiredness called thinking too much.
In a person's life, the heart is the master.
If the heart is not as wide as the sea, where would it be calm?
There is no insurmountable hurdle in life, only the impassable self.
Instead of complaining, change (suggest everyone to take a look)
Life is not long, spring and autumn is limited, just right to live, the happiest!
Just the right life (profound)
It's a good time in the world, so you might as well say hello.
See you in April. Hello in May.